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Draft Rules

Focus: Draft equally skilled and balanced teams promoting a level playing field for fair and competitive soccer matches throughout the season.

  1. MASK Board Member to provide a random draft order to the coaches on draft night (i.e. Team 1, Team 2, Team 3, Team 4).
  2. MASK Board Member to record all team draft picks in real-time.
  3. Use snake method to draft.
    1. 1st round order: Team 1, Team 2, Team 3, Team 4.
    2. 2nd round order (reverse): Team 4, Team 3, Team 2, Team 1.
    3. Repeat until all players have been drafted.
  4. Demographic order: Draft all females by age group until all drafted, then draft all males by age group until all drafted
    1. (i.e. U8 Division Draft: draft all 7-year old girls, then draft all 8-year old girls, then draft all 7-year old boys, then draft all 8-year old boys)
  5. The head coach and assistant coaches children count as their first draft picks within their respective demographic draft round. This causes the coach to sit out a draft round until the next spot is open.
  6. Siblings must be drafted together as a pair of players. This makes it easier on the players' parents and family. Each sibling counts as the first pick in their respective demographic draft round. This causes the coach to sit out a draft round until the next spot is open.

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